
it’s Halloween! people have been celebrating all weekend but today is the actual day. last year i found my favorite costume i’ve ever had (except for the skunk costume my mom made for me in elementary school. yeah, a skunk. it was awesomely different and if i happen to find a picture of it iContinue reading “Halloween”


it rained pennies yesterdayleaving only washed up, copper-colored circles, circling around drains.the streets were lined with change small enough for people to forget when it comes in anything less than a handful,but with pennies flooding sidewalks it’s hard to forget what they’re worth.the clouds were folded up dollars dropping the piece of them that isContinue reading “pennies”

weekly writing challenge: i wish i were

i wish i were able to understand people and make them understand me. without arguments i wish i were able to explain how simple life can be if we let it. my point of view on various subjects is continually changing and sometimes i feel suffocated by people who have been the same since middleContinue reading “weekly writing challenge: i wish i were”

weekly photo challenge: foreign

  this picture was taken in the village of the Maasai people in Kenya. the culture is rich there with values and beliefs stronger than any soldier i’ve seen in the U.S. they believe in being manly men, not shedding a tear when they are presented with a death or pain. one of them laughedContinue reading “weekly photo challenge: foreign”

weekly writing challenge: mind the gap

going into education, i believe that kids should be treated as young adults. they can be responsible for their actions, they can be taught not only right and wrong, but situational actions as well. i have all faith that kids know more than adults think they are capable of.  now, as far as children inContinue reading “weekly writing challenge: mind the gap”

some of the best feelings:

some of the best feelings (in my opinion) are: taking off your socks after a long day a fuzzy surface rubbing your cheek a child grabbing your hand/finger waking up and feeling refreshed when someone random compliments your head band (or other accessory) stepping on a crunchy leaf riding your bike down a hill onContinue reading “some of the best feelings:”

questions from a little girl

today i took Anshu to the community center by his house. he can spend hours entertaining himself in the pool and hot tub, so it’s always a go-to when i’m with him for 8 hours on saturdays. we got to the pool after a car ride full of pouting. he was throwing a little hissyContinue reading “questions from a little girl”

weekly writing challenge: a splash of color

last year the slam poetry club here at Central slightly lacked…inspiration. our advisor was a fan of “mind dumps” which was basically writing a page of whatever comes to your mind all at once…three pages a day. we also did free writes at our Tuesday night meetings. she would give us a word and weContinue reading “weekly writing challenge: a splash of color”

weekly photo challenge: big

  this is the view from my bedroom window, pleasant, i know. now, passed the service center, behind and in front of a yellow house a street over, within the gloominess of an overcast sky, there are trees. naked trees. there are no leaves on these trees anymore and they are no longer filled withContinue reading “weekly photo challenge: big”