guitar in the streets

so i’m in class right now. i know i should be paying attention but we’re watching a movie and this will be quick… we just did a “team builder”. we were given a piece of paper and were told to write three interesting things about ourself. i got stuck for a second because pulling randomContinue reading “guitar in the streets”

weekly photo challenge: solitary

solitary: adjective: separated from or unfrequented by others; remote or secluded. adjective: enjoyed or performed alone there are many definitions of solitary, but these are the ones i felt most comfortable with. i live in an apartment above a bar on a semi-high traffic flowing road in downtown Mt. Pleasant, MI. there’s rarely any quiet on beforeContinue reading “weekly photo challenge: solitary”

totally unrelated thoughts

the other day i put a quarter in someone else’s expired parking meter on campus. i figured 25cents spent on my behalf is better than 15dollars spent on theirs. today i found a quarter while walking to class. i figured it was karma paying me back. i wish i could study or do homework withContinue reading “totally unrelated thoughts”

weekly photo challenge: everyday life

    being a college student in central Michigan, life for me is pretty basic: wake up, go to class, eat some food, and go to class again. when i think about everyday life here, it’s simple and, in my opinion, boring. however, during my recent visit to Kenya i realized that the more simpleContinue reading “weekly photo challenge: everyday life”

growing towards the sun

there are a few friends from high school who i actually associate with now (without being forced). i’ve grown apart from others just as much as they’ve grown apart from me-no hurt feelings, just different lives growing in different directions and i can’t argue or complain about that. we’ve all got that person who weContinue reading “growing towards the sun”