Daily Prompt: Competition

Okay, so this “daily” prompt might be a couple of days late…whoops. It would be wrong of me to lie and say I always let the kids I babysit win when I play games with them. In fact, I’m the most competitive around those little buggers. I look at it this way… A three yearContinue reading “Daily Prompt: Competition”

A Word A Week: Action

Over my spring break my roommate and I, Hannah, visited my aunt and uncle out in California. They live on top of a mountain in Paso Robles on Adelaida Springs Ranch and started a vineyard to eventually produce Rangeland Wines (I’m not typically a fan of red wine but I must admit…every night I wasContinue reading “A Word A Week: Action”

Buoy vs. Tugboat

Last year I wrote a poem inspired by a friend of mine and the kind of relationship I perceive us as having. I titled it, “Buoy.” Here it is: I can’t be your buoy.Treading water tires me out and it’s hard enough to keep myself afloat.So, I’m sorry, but I can’t be your lifejacket.I willContinue reading “Buoy vs. Tugboat”

St. Patty’s Day

It’s around 12:30am on St. Patty’s day and I’m currently laying in bed watching one of my cats get entangled in my blinds. Outside those blinds, just passed the window, are numerous people engaging in a night out at the bar to celebrate this “holiday.” Inside, it’s quiet. I just turned my music off inContinue reading “St. Patty’s Day”

A Word A Week Challenge: Dance

On a typical day in my apartment the music is playing over the surround sound speakers in the living room, someone may or may not be sitting in a chair or lounging on the couch. Someone else is probably stumbling around the kitchen drying to create some delicious tasting treat. While all of these thingsContinue reading “A Word A Week Challenge: Dance”